Sara - Pray For Qatar

Age 20 - ambitious for achievement


Sara, 20, is a college student hungry for achievement. She views her education as a ticket to both financial independence and social independence; school is the ideal daily social outlet and gives her freedom to be out of the house. Although her parents forbid Sara to get a driver’s license, their chauffeur drives Sara to school and back each day. At home she feels bored and undervalued, but at school, Sara enjoys satisfaction and worth from her grades, and expects the same at a job someday.

Studying also prolongs the time she can be free from marriage, which she considers like imprisonment. Sara’s mother, one of three wives, had no power in her marriage. Sara believes she will have more power if she can work to provide for herself.

Sara’s views of non-Muslims are not as negative as they used to be. Growing up, she was always told Christians are immoral and they don’t accept the prophet Mohammed. She dresses traditionally and usually wears niqab (face veil). However, exposure to different ways of thinking in her college environment has made her inquisitive. She feels stifled by Islam’s strict rules, and is becoming curious about the Bible.