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God, we thank you for granting Noora such abundance. She has much more than she could ever need. Yet this has created purposelessness in her life. She needs nothing. She struggles for nothing. She is overly consumed with her image. God, give her something worth living for, fighting for, being disciplined for.

Noora veils because her parents expect it, but she has secret habits and friends. In Matthew 23, Jesus condemned those who were like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful and clean on the outside, but are dead and unclean inside. Convict Noora of the areas in which she lives a double standard. Transform her from the inside out.

Noora also lives in a world where her value is tied irreversibly to her virginity and reputation of purity. She has convinced everyone she is a good girl because her life depends on it. God, help Noora understand she will never be good enough on her own, but she needs You. Show her how immensely valuable she is – worth far more than rubies – in Your sight.


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