Throughout the world and the history of missions, language is a barrier that missionaries have had to overcome. Missionaries can share the Gospel in their own language, or even a common language, but those they are trying to reach are going to be more receptive and have greater depth of understanding when the Gospel is shared in their mother tongue.
In Qatar, this presents a unique challenge. Because Qataris make up only about 15% of the national population, English has become the lingua franca for most businesses and educational venues. Qataris often know English well, and use it daily in business interactions. Yet in their homes, they still generally speak Arabic. Foreigners who do speak Arabic don’t find many opportunities to use it.
Read Acts 21:40 and all of chapter 22. Consider the implications of Paul sharing his testimony of transformation in Aramaic, the language of his hearers.
Read Romans 10:14-15 and Matthew 9:38. We pray for Arabic speakers in Qatar with a desire to boldly proclaim Jesus and a firm grasp on theological concepts. We ask God to grant supernatural opportunities and understanding to those sharing and those hearing. 

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