Parents everywhere are concerned about raising their children well. Qatari parents, religious or not, are no exception. Because Islam is based on a moral code, even the irreligious often want to teach their children religious values.
Each family is different. Some parents take extreme measures to protect their children from evil, fearing their children will be exposed to too many damaging influences at too young an age. One such family only allows their children to interact with extended family or the hired nanny so their children internalize family behaviors and culture. Another parent rarely allows her children to go to malls and shopping centers. “I want them to know the Qatari identity. For their amusement and entertainment, I built a house away from Doha with all the amenities.”
Other families are more open, considering exposure necessary so their children learn to interact with society and stand up to differing beliefs. “After they get to know their roots, children will go out and understand the world,” says one mother.
Read Proverbs 22:6 and Matthew 19:14. Morality is good, but it is not the way to heaven. Read Ayesha’s profileWe pray the Truth of Jesus would make it beyond access barriers so Qatari children and their families can hear about Jesus.

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