The Arabian oryx, Qatar’s national animal, is a long-horned white antelope that was officially classified as extinct in nature in 1972. A herd of Arabian oryx was rescued and successfully bred in captivity, then reintroduced to reserves. Poaching, while outlawed, is difficult to enforce.

Image: Creative Commons

Image: Creative Commons

The oryx is well adapted to desert life. Its white coat reflects the sun, helping it survive in some of the most extreme heat on Earth. Oryx can endure up to 22 months without drinking water, absorbing moisture from plants and detecting water sources from far away.

Used on logos and as mascots, the oryx symbolizes human dignity. The Bedouin have long attributed the oryx with qualities of stamina, fortitude, loyalty, and self-discipline.

The history of the oryx parallels Christianity throughout Qatar and the region: while Christianity once had a larger presence, there are currently only 2 known Qatari Jesus-followers, making local Christianity essentially extinct.

Browse the book of Acts, and consider the similarities between the Early Church and the current spiritual climate of Qatar. We pray the few believers there would exhibit fortitude, and the Church would be retrieved from the brink of extinction.

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