Churches and believers are present in Qatar in small numbers. While the government does not, for the most part, restrict foreigners’ private religious practices, they do restrict sharing of one’s faith in an effort to convert Muslims to Christianity.

The Church

In other parts of the Arab world, disillusioned Muslims are wandering into churches to ask the spiritual questions heavy on their hearts. There is often fear: believers fear sharing openly because it might lead to discovery, job loss, and eviction from the country; churches and communities of believers fear trouble from the government and threats from the seeker’s family members.

Some are examining the Scriptures and becoming followers of Jesus despite very little discipleship, guidance, or community.

Those searching for Jesus need bold believers who will exhibit fearless, open faith; demonstrate Christ’s daily presence in their lives; disciple and mentor them; and guide them into deeper understanding of the Word of God.

Read Romans 1:16 and Michael’s story. We pray for believers—even amateur theologians—who will be bold in testimony and proclamation of Biblical Truth. Though security and longevity are not our goal, we ask You to give them enough time to plant deeply, water regularly, and reap a harvest as long as possible. Use foreign believers to share with those around them—other foreigners and Qataris—and use international churches as beacons in the community so Qataris and foreigners alike will experience the transformation of Jesus Christ.

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